The President's Message 1/23/2023
What are your ambitions and hobbies? How much time have you spent with the ones you love?
“We should make some time in between and organize our life, relax ourselves and spend more time with our family, friends, and pursue our own hobbies.” – Robert Gallagher
Happy New Year all!! We haven’t posted in a while due to the holidays and staffing shortages. However, we are back! We have overcome those challenges and as the 1st month of the New Year draws to a close, we have so much more to accomplish. As many of us take a look at our lives and where we see ourselves, I wanted to take a different look at the New Year ahead by reviewing my year last year. Through the whirlwind of life changes, loss and emotions, I found hope! Hope that I would make to a new year. Hope that my dreams didn’t die even though there was great loss. Hope that I can recover and rebuild. This year is different. I had to dig a little deeper.
My vision has always been so hyper focused on the organization, over the last few years. I lost my individuality in the process.
As a community leader, I have learned how to be intentional about my time and rest. However, my own personal hobbies and ambitions have been an afterthought.
This year, I am making myself a priority. I am more intentional about spending time with my family and my friends. I have enrolled in college to complete my degree in Business Administration with hopes to graduate in December with honors. As I draft this blog, I am pondering on my hobbies. Before entrepreneurship, I loved dancing. I am actively looking into classes now. I share all of this as inspiration. My hope is you will learn what I have learned over the last year.
Our time is short. We have to make the most out of every moment both good and bad. It is incredibly vital to your overall wellbeing for you to prioritize yourself. I lost myself in work and in doing so, work became my only ambition. In what ways have you done the same? Have you taken an account of who you are compared to who you envisioned yourself to be? We all are fighting daily to be the best versions of ourselves. What progress are you making?